Thursday, January 8, 2009

Things are looking G.R.E.A.T

Yesterday(Wednesday) and Today(Thursday) have to be the best days of my life as far as my Grad Project. I have finally decided on the topic that i want to pursue and i am very encouraged and thankful for Mrs.Savito's reaction and information towards my idea. I believe that i have found an idea i will excel at because of my intrest level in the topic.
And to make things even better on Wednesday during Grad Class Mrs.Peck pulled me out to discuss my interest for my 3rd trimester internship. She had mentioned some of my previous choices which were all perfect and well, but i had an idea pertaining to my Grad Project that included me interning at an elderly home. She loved the idea, and the fact that i was just working on an email to her and Mr.Kretchman about the very same subject.
Overall things seem to be going well and i am looking forward to getting started, i have even started brainstorming for the action section of my project. I am hoping to pull off a 20 minute documentary of me interviewing families of people who have fallen victim to alzheimers, and possibly a doctor researching the subject. Along with that i plan to volunteer at an elderly facility that may aid people with the disease to better understand what life is like for them. However, i am worried that things may not go as planned and my ideas be impossible due to location or participation.
I think things will go well and i can not wait untill i can figure some new things out and learn more about this disease along with other diseases that cause memory loss.

1 comment:

  1. Courtney,

    I like the idea that you want to include your graduation project ideas along with your intern because I feel that you will get alot of information when you find someone with the disease and doctors who are very familiar with the disease. I also like the idea of you having a documentary on your actions. You know I got a camcorder if you need help with that. Anyway, your ideas are great and I think you are going to get a great outcome in the end.

    Your pal,

    DeAnna =)


Key Terms

  • 1. Warning Signs: There are 10 classic warning signs of Alzheimer's disease, which include: memory loss, Difficulty performing familiar tasks, problems with language, disorientation to time and place, poor or decreased judgment, problems with obstract thinking, misplacing things, changes in mood or behavior, changes in personality, and loss of initiative.
  • 2. Targeted Victims: Most patients with Alzheimer's disease are over 65 years of age.
  • 3. Research: Researchers have learned most of what they know about Alzheimer's disease in the past 15 years. Researchers are looking for new treatments to alter the course of the disease and improve the life of the people with dementia. Healh professionals divide symptoms in "Congative, Behavioral and mental" this will help detemine which treatment is best to use in the different cases.
  • 4. Counseling: Caring for the caregiver is an essential element of managing the patient with Alzheimer's disease. Caregiving is a distressing expeirence. On the other hand, caregiver education delays nursing home placement of Alzheimer's disease patients. (The three(3) R's: "Repeat, Reassure, and Redirect.") These can help caregivers reduse troublesome behaviors and limit the use of medications.
  • 5. Treatment: There is no cure for Alzheimer's disease but there are drug and non-drug treatments that can help with both "Cognitive" and behavioral symptoms.
  • 6. Alzheimer’s Disease: Is a brain disease that destroys brain cells which causes problems with memory, thinking and behavior. It is sever enough to affect work, lifelong hobbies, or social life. It gets worst over time, and is fatal. It is the sixth-leading cause of death in the United States.