Monday, November 9, 2009

Present?! Now!?

Today, I almost completed my entire presentation. All I have left to do is finish a few labels and then I will start my note cards. after that all i have to do is print them out when I come to school and start to glue them to note cards and will will be ready to attempt to present.

Im very nervous about presenting and im scared, I hope I get everything to gether by tomorrow ans ill definately be ready. I still need to work on my website and then all will be well. make me nervous and frustrated when you yell and scream about me not being ready right now. Ill get there dont worry mrs.savido, and we shall never have to worry again.

A part of me thinks ill present well but we will have to wait to find out.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Progress...Need More Progress

Ive been making progress throughout the week. I've restarted the entire front page of the blue packet we were given and im already down to planing my interview which is the easiest part of the project in my eye's because that is where you get the answer to your questions.

I still need to do my notes and complete and outline. i think that will be my focus this weekend and i should be able to complete the task because there are about a thousand paper articles that ive read and highlighted so all i will be doing is making the trasition from highlighted article to word document.

As far as my interviews are concerned I have work to day so I will set up a meeting with my mentor who knows everyone within the building and hopefully ill get some names and numbers.
Im worried that there willl be somekind of law that will prevent me from asking questions or taking pictures for my presentation. but i may be wrong. im hoping im wrong.

Everything may work out for that part next week, so this weekend my plan is notes and outline this weekend.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Third Day...Third Change

Senoir year started this week and everything is running pretty smoothly for me. However, I have been faced with a few hurdles already, one being more major than any other. This year I decided to take on a huge experience by applying to go on a class trip to Costa Rica. After doing so, and getting accepted I am required to take part in a number of preparatory experiences. Sadly one of the most important post trip experiences is scheduled for the exzact day of my actiopn plan event.

Reluctantly, I have decided that this trip to Costa Rica is a once and a life time experience that is worth alot more than one schedule event that will possibly come along again. So i have decided that the best thing for me to do, would be to focus on my internship since i still have a strong connection with alot of the people there.

I hope to base my project on how a senior care facility caters to the caregiving needs required for those who have Alzheimers and various other forms of Dementia. I know this will be alot of work, and im nervous that I may not be able to take the project to the great lengths that I have imagined. This only due to the policies and privacy acts that are enforced within any senior care facitlity.

I must start to recontruct my project all over again, but hopefully it will be easier the third time around.


Friday, March 27, 2009

Essential Question? Essential Decision

Things are actully seeming to get easier for me as far as my grad project is concerned. Despite the fact that I accidentally dropped my lap top during the second to last week of school (AT ALL TIMES TO BE WITH OUT IT!) everything is coming together. Two days ago I made my table timeline and I have a very good idea as to what I want to get out of this project and the time I have to complete it. I altered my essential question:

("How do families cope with the struggles inherited after a loved one has fallen victim to Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia?")

I thought that it would be a more clear way to express how familes are also affected by Alzheimer's disease/Dementia. Im sure I said in a recent post that I am extremely excited to participate in the Memory Walk that will take place here in Pittsburgh. I have a hundred different ideas for fundraising money to donate and different ways to get my fellow school mates involved in alzheimer's awareness.

I still have tons of work ahead of me, but with school coming to a very close end I think I'll be a little more excited to research my topic. Sooner or later I'll become a master mind in Alzheimer's disease reseach and I plan to make my panel very proud of me(whomever they maybe ;) )

Monday, March 16, 2009

Nothing Done!!!! (blame DeAnna....haha)

I didnt really accomplish anything I would have liked to accomplished. Mainly because I keep finding it hard to focus. I did however attempt to find events that were dedicated to Alzheimer awarness, but I had no luck of any of them being near pittsburgh.
One day ill re-write my foundation questions, that way ill be able to focus more on what it is im trying to figure out. Theres alot to focus on with thise disease and im worried ill keep getting set of track. Hopefully that wont occur, ill figure all out soon enough.

Monday, February 23, 2009

MAJOR Platue

I believe last week I had my internship meeting with Mrs. Kretchman, Jordan ( a fellow classmate of mine who will be interning at the Canterberry facitly with me), and Bobbi-Jo my mentor.
Everything went well at the meeting and I am excited to get started with it. While we toured the facility I learned that there was a Dementia Care unit located in the building next to where I would be interning. Mrs. Kretchman and Bobbi-Jo also made it clear that there would be opportunities to complete some of my hours within the unit. I was Fasinated with the idea, seeing how I am hoping to put together a documentory on what life is like inside a facility like that for patients suffering from Dementia. Within the documentry i hope to inteview those who are responsible for treatment, and those who run the unit.
Today I am trying to put together the interview questions for my "documentry/interview." However, im having a little trouble getting started because of my lack of knowlegde. Im not sure who I will be interviewing, nor am I sure whether or not they will be able to coroporate with my project.
This project started off great, but now im starting to hit some kind of platue and I hope it blows over soon because im really starting to loose all patients.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Tired/Sleepy/Lazy...But Still Moving On

This weeks going kind of slow for me, probably because I got off to a slow start this week. It seems as though my core classes and honors classes are beginning to run a muck and interfering with my rest. However, today I was capable of getting over my fatigue and getting some work done on my Webliography.
Sometime last week I recieved a packet of paper work from Mrs.Peck for my intership at Canterbery Place. I was excited to get that filled out and back in her hands. On the packet it said I would have an interview with im guessing my mentor, on February 17th. Im a little worried, not for my interview but mainly because ill be missing PSSA testing that day and I think that week is the week of the Reading and Math tests.
Im sure i'll be okay. Grad-Projects going great, along with everything else. I believe this trimester is the first trimester in my whole three year career in highschool that I have managed to recieve all A's on my assignments and in classes. I just hope I can keep up with this hectic schedule of mine. Reading three different books, two of those books have a tendency to get less interesting at times, its hard. but some how, I think ill manange.
:) :) :) :) :) :) <:<: <><:<: :):) :) :) :) :) :)

Key Terms

  • 1. Warning Signs: There are 10 classic warning signs of Alzheimer's disease, which include: memory loss, Difficulty performing familiar tasks, problems with language, disorientation to time and place, poor or decreased judgment, problems with obstract thinking, misplacing things, changes in mood or behavior, changes in personality, and loss of initiative.
  • 2. Targeted Victims: Most patients with Alzheimer's disease are over 65 years of age.
  • 3. Research: Researchers have learned most of what they know about Alzheimer's disease in the past 15 years. Researchers are looking for new treatments to alter the course of the disease and improve the life of the people with dementia. Healh professionals divide symptoms in "Congative, Behavioral and mental" this will help detemine which treatment is best to use in the different cases.
  • 4. Counseling: Caring for the caregiver is an essential element of managing the patient with Alzheimer's disease. Caregiving is a distressing expeirence. On the other hand, caregiver education delays nursing home placement of Alzheimer's disease patients. (The three(3) R's: "Repeat, Reassure, and Redirect.") These can help caregivers reduse troublesome behaviors and limit the use of medications.
  • 5. Treatment: There is no cure for Alzheimer's disease but there are drug and non-drug treatments that can help with both "Cognitive" and behavioral symptoms.
  • 6. Alzheimer’s Disease: Is a brain disease that destroys brain cells which causes problems with memory, thinking and behavior. It is sever enough to affect work, lifelong hobbies, or social life. It gets worst over time, and is fatal. It is the sixth-leading cause of death in the United States.